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Friday, August 16, 2013

Python Script - I found a new item to be careful about.

In the image above, there are variables being defined.  Here is what I ran into.  I entered the following syntax for "B"


I kept having my B length on my component in the model being shifted anytime I drug the adjusting arrow to and odd value or typed in an odd value (like 15, or 16.75)  It would either over adjust or not move at all.  Then I tried this...


All worked fine after that!  You have to have the ".0" in the value to allow for non-whole numbers.  This was a simple thing but I found no documentation on it and really just figured it out by trial and lots of error.

Happy Scripting!

Acts 1:8

New Extension 1 for P3D 2014

The NEW Extension 1 for P3D 2014 on the Subscription Site is getting a lot of complaints on the boards and blogs.  However, I have experienced no issues at all with it.  So, as always, fully test it out on a machine or 2 before pushing company-wide.  But as for me... I like it!  Good stuff!

Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the end of the earth."